The Village

It leaks its own life. When the evening falls down and the Sun dismisses those who are going to be our neighbors for some hours, Lupiñén becomes present with a luminous profile that simultaneously puts the Sun to bed, and shows us the greatness of this enclave. Lupiñén that, together with Ortilla and Montmesa, form the urban nucleus, has its own life. Its 300 inhabitants are hospitable indeed; they multiply to celebrate San Ginés's festivity every August, 25th, receiving all visitors and old inhabitants in their homes.

From House Saúl, you can share with the neighbourghs several services as the municipal Swimming pool, the services of two saving entities that operate in Lupiñén, or the Agricultural Casino, daily center of meetings and the real axis for the neighborghood. Near our House, we will be able to find an unusual offer : The Barbecues lodged close to the Grove that provoke many people to enjoy a picnic. A real food in the field, really near House Saúl.

Other services, as a charming food shop, or a permanent doctor's office, comply to make life pleasant in House Saúl and invites you to take it easy. Back in the village, and before retiring, it is a good moment to verify the value of the manors that were built in the center of the village. The walk concludes with a visit to St Martin’s, axis of the religious life of Lupiñén and a place of obliged visit in notable dates. All this not forgetting the Virgin of the Huerta, that, after many incidents, can finally see the light every morning when the Sun, taking advantage of the singing of the roosters, knocks at the doors of the neighbors and at the door of those who visit us. Its realism brings us close to the hospitality from those that are waiting for us.

And what about our Gastronomy? Lupiñén has an attraction that is relating in Arragon. We are talkin about ground chicken. The words cannot be able of transmiting the pleasures that sits down in House Saúl’s table when a chicken of corral is treated with that fondness that characterizes those who sit down to give themselves a true banquet.

The abundant hunt in the place helps you to enjoy our gastronomy without a need to make big trips. In your house, in House Saúl, with a good raw material, you can move to the empire of the senses. Close your eyes and simply dream. And so, only the Rooster, at the dawn the day, will remind you that you are human, like everything around you.

Peace and Quiet that is reflected in the flight from the thousands of cranes that decide to stop in this watery land before they cross the Pyrenees, like those visitors who stop in House Saúl to enjoy themselves from the environment before their come back to every day’s fight. More than 125 different species will watch at your dreams.

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© Casa Saúl 2008 | c/ Alta, 36 Lupiñen (Hu) | Tel. 974 270 451 - M. 677 457 247 / 616 996 705 / 678 761 945 |